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"Lucky for us, ร้าน กระเป๋าสะพายข้าง we're right next door to a world-class facility with a whole department dedicated to working with difficult veins." Image copyright Cincinnati Zoo via AP Image caption Staff from Cincinnati Children's Hospital joined zoo carers to help revive Fiona Two members of the hospital's vascular team brought ultrasound equipment to the zoo on Friday and put an IV catheter into Fiona. It lasted just 30 minutes before her vein ruptured, but the team were able to secure a line into one of her deep leg veins. Keepers have been monitoring the IV round the clock since then. "Five bags of fluid later, Fiona is showing signs of recovery," Ms Gorsuch said. "She is still sleeping a lot but has started to take bottles again and has periods of carefully-supervised activity. The catheter is still in place." Image copyright @CincinnatiZoo Baby Fiona is being cared for close to her mother Bibi and father Henry, so the family can hear and smell each other. She made the history books even before her arrival, when scientists at the zoo captured the first ever ultrasound image of a Nile hippo foetus. The Vascular Access Team were delighted to help the diminutive beast, whose growing pains have charmed fans online. "Like many people, we are rooting for Fiona!" said clinical director Sylvia Rineair.
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